CoE Posters

Posters summarising the capabilities of Food Authenticity Centres of expertise.


Campden BRI - Information poster
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Campden BRI has been operating services in food authenticity for over 20 years and has considerable knowledge of the techniques applied in the area, including meat, fish and seafood speciation, olive oil analysis and spice adulteration.

Campden BRI provides services underpinned by methods developed and approved in line with ISO17025.


The food testing laboratory at Cramlington is part of the global SGS group and is a UKAS (ISO17025) accredited analytical laboratory specialising in molecular and immunological detection of contaminants and adulterants in foodstuffs.


Reading Scientific Services Ltd (RSSL) has been providing analytical, product development, investigative, training and consultancy services to the global food and consumer goods industries for over 30 years.

RSSL's chemical, physical, biochemical and biological services are wide ranging and provide support through the full product lifecycle. RSSL is routinely inspected by UKAS, FDA and MHRA, which ensures the analytical services meet the needs of industry.


Premier Analytical Services (PAS) are eight accredited laboratories operating as one Centre of Expertise, internationally respected for providing high quality analytical services and unrivalled technical expertise to the food industry.

PAS has many years in both classical analytical chemistry and modern molecular methods including Next Generation Sequencing as well as quantitative PCR design and analysis. PAS utilises the most modern and effective approach to investigate authenticity issues, including the use of NGS, PCR and other molecular techniques.

PAS was the first UK laboratory to attain UKAS accreditation for quantitative GMO analysis by real-time PCR.

Minerva Scientific is a specialist analytical testing laboratory established in 2002 and is recognised as a leading authority on honey testing with over a decade of experience in the field.

Minerva provide a range of honey specific relevant ISO17025 UKAS accredited testing and consultancy services.

Minerva Scientific has MHRA GMP approval for the chemical testing of pharmaceutical and veterinary products.

LGC - Information poster
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LGC, founded in 1842, is an international organisation providing excellence in investigative, diagnostic and measurement science, and remains at the forefront of testing approaches, techniques, instrumentation and policy associated with food authenticity.

 LGC, founded in 1842, is an international organisation providing excellence in investigative, diagnostic and measurement science, and remains at the forefront of testing approaches, techniques, instrumentation and policy associated with food authenticity.

LGC is committed to providing open access to best measurement practice guidance for food authenticity testing.

LGC provides:

• A range of expert scientific functions and services in partnership with government, business and academia.

• World-leading measurement science, solving complex global challenges, ensuring trust and confidence in high quality measurement and research.

Food Forensics - Information poster
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Food Forensics is an accredited testing laboratory undertaking analysis of food, beverages, feed and environmental swabs.

Food Forensics offer advice and support on authenticity testing; from horizon scanning tools (Risk Newsletter and on-line Knowledge Base platform), risk profiling, supply chain mapping, risk management to testing programmes and results follow up; delivering added value as well as due diligence.

Food Forensics has a proven track record and shares expertise in animal nutrition, food safety, production systems, commercial food chains and supply chain risk management as well as forensic science, analytical chemistry, SIRA, qPCR, NGS and ELISA.

FERA - Information poster
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Fera Science’s origins began over a 100 years ago as the Institute for Plant Pathology.

Fera's wide expertise in food and plant analysis provides it with novel avenues for food authenticity verification. It has an expert team participating in food authenticity research, as well as offering varied and unique solutions across a range of food authenticity issues.

Fera has been instrumental in the development of guidelines for method validation, are regularly called upon to interpret results, and lead the international effort to standardise analytical techniques across food authenticity

Eurofins - Information poster
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Eurofins Scientific is an international life sciences company which provides a unique range of analytical testing services to clients across multiple industries.

With 375 laboratories across 41 countries in Europe, North and South America, and Asia-Pacific; and over 30,000 staff, Eurofins is a world leader in food and pharmaceutical products testing, and a global market leader in agroscience, genomics, discovery pharmacology, and central laboratory services.

Eurofins is recognised as a leading expert in food authenticity testing and has applied this testing in the UK for more than twenty years.