FA0135 - PCR approach for quantitation of horse DNA

the aim of this project was to develop a real-time PCR approach for the quantitation of horse DNA using best measurement practice guidelines in the field of PCR and meat speciation. Additionally, a review of expressing meat adulteration in terms of w/w tissue mass and DNA:DNA copy numbers was conducted, in order to establish if guidance could be provided on the equivalence of these expression units.

The project showed that the real-time PCR assay developed in the study:

  1. Can accurately quantify the relative amount of horse DNA in a mixed sample, and exhibits good comparability to w/w gravimetric materials when samples and calibrants contain similar materials
  2. Is subject to the same limitations inherent in all meat quantitation approaches available: that of
    converting DNA:DNA copy number measurements into w/w tissue measurements
  3. Has significantly added value to the state-of-the-art of the science and made publically available an
    approach for the quantitation of horse DNA in line with best measurement practice in the field
  4. Is adaptable and “future-proofed” for its potential to incorporate and fully characterise the threshold for labelling, as proposed by the recently published EU guidance (EURL-AP, 2013)
File Name: Final_report_FA0135.pdf
File Size: 856.98 KB
File Type: application/pdf
Created Date: 08-11-2015
Last Updated Date: 08-11-2015